Tips to Teach Your Dog to Walk Nicely on Leash

McCann Dog Training
4 min readMar 20, 2019

It’s important to teach dogs of all shapes and sizes to have good leash manners for the enjoyment of walks. We like to teach our dogs to walk nicely at our left side on a loose leash using the cue, “Let’s Go!”. Here are some tips to help you train your dog to walk nicely with you. Check out the video below!

Starting in a quiet location, work with your dog for a short duration. Typically about 5 minutes at a time is plenty. Use your dog’s favorite high-value rewards and be enthusiastic to help your dog enjoy the process. In the beginning, reward every few steps to build value for control position and always maintain a loose leash. The goal should be to eventually transition to off-leash work with your dog.

Steps to Teach Your Dog to Walk Without Pulling

  1. Be Sure They Can Lure- This is the basic idea behind how we teach ‘Let’s Go’. Make sure you take some time to teach your dog how to follow a food lure. Practice different ways of moving the dog by using the food lure. Try spins, back and forward and different positions to solidify the idea of the lure.
  2. Build Value for Control Position- Control position is at our left side. We want our dogs to find a lot of value for control position, so early in the process, it’s important to reinforce them being at our left…



McCann Dog Training
McCann Dog Training

Written by McCann Dog Training

We can help you to have a well-behaved four-legged family member! Celebrating 40 years of helping families overcome their dog training challenges in 2022!

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